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Fr. Mike Schmitz authors a new booklet: “Come to the Altar: Worshipping God with Your Whole Heart”

[Exton, PA, January 15, 2024—]

Come to the Altar: Worshipping God with Your Whole Heart teaches Catholics how to fully worship God through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  

As an addition to The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection, Ascension has released Come to the Altar: Worshipping God with Your Whole Heart, a book for Catholics of all ages who want to grow closer to God through the Eucharist, and worship him at the altar during Mass. 

Written by Fr. Mike Schmitz, chaplain at the University of Minnesota Duluth and host of both The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)® podcast and The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) podcast, the booklet reminds Catholics that they were made to worship God with their lives, and that he longs to meet them in the Mass.

The easy-to-digest booklet features transcripts of Fr. Mike’s homilies and additional content to help Catholics reflect and pray as they read. With “Reflect,” “Pray,” and “Act” sections following each homily, readers are given more opportunities to reap the wisdom of Fr. Mike and apply it to their own lives. 

Fr. Mike elaborates on the importance of worship that gives glory to God, explaining how Catholics can persist in giving God their hearts: “I can love God by willing the good of the people around me who need love. I can love God by obeying him. And I can love God as an extension of obeying him. We love God when we worship him as he has asked us to worship him, and this is key. We love the Lord our God with everything we have and everything we are through obedience and worship.” 

Come to the Altar: Worshipping God with Your Whole Heart is part of The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection. By assisting Catholics on their journey through reflection and deeper understanding of the sacraments, it is the perfect addition to the other 5 booklets in the collection: It’s Personal: Cultivating Your Relationship with God, Untroubled by the Unknown: Trusting God in Every Moment, Ordinary Time: Finding Purpose in Everyday Life, What’s Next? Surrendering Your Plans to Jesus, and Are You Saved? The Catholic Understanding of Salvation.

Come to the Altar: Worshipping God with Your Whole Heart is available in paperback and e-book format at www.AscensionPress.com.

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Ascension is a multimedia network and the leader in Catholic faith formation and digital content. Over the past 25 years, Ascension has helped nurture the faith of more than 10  million Catholics through award-winning books, the chart-topping Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year podcasts, more than 50 unique faith formation programs, and Ascension Presents, which hosts the largest Catholic YouTube channel in English.

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