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“Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation” Equips Teens with Christ-Centered Answers to Society’s Big Questions

[Exton, PA, June 21, 2021—]

Ascension’s new program for teens, hosted by Fr. Josh Johnson and Mari Pablo, emphasizes Christ as the source of unity amid social divisions.

In Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation, Fr. Josh Johnson and Mari Pablo present Jesus Christ’s healing message as the antidote to all social division. The co-hosts pull from Scripture, Church teaching, the lives of the saints, and interviews with Catholic social justice leaders to cast a vision for human society steeped in both God’s justice and his mercy.

Fr. Josh and Mari Pablo are joined in their presentations by an incredible team of evangelists and Catholic social justice leaders, including Chika Anyanwu, Bob Lesnefsky, Chris Stefanick, the Sisters of Life, and more.

In Connected, which has received an imprimatur, authors Colin and Aimee MacIver focus on five different aspects of Catholic social teaching, each a challenging and complex topic close to the heart of many teens:

  • God’s Creation and Stewardship
  • The Dignity of Human Life
  • Solidarity, Race, and Responsibility
  • Poverty and the Dignity of Work
  • Family: The Foundation of Society

“This program is meant to help us fulfill the desires of Jesus that He gave to us in the Gospels,” explains co-presenter Fr. Josh Johnson. “Namely, to love God and neighbor – especially in the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable.” 

“Then, what the teens learn can be shared with others,” adds co-presenter Mari Pablo. “That will spark fruitful conversation, and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit they will use their own voices, go out, take action, and evangelize.” 

Young people are passionate about making the world a better place. Connected shows teens that the Catholic Church is a trustworthy leader in the social justice conversation, offering the clarity and truth they are craving.

About Fr. Josh Johnson

Although Fr. Josh Johnson was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church very much while growing up. One day, during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now Fr. Josh is the director of vocations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge, campus minister at Louisiana State University, and chaplain at Cristo Rey Franciscan High School. Fr. Josh is a presenter in several Ascension programs including Altaration, YOU, The 99, and Rejoice! as well as the author of Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation, the Pocket Guide to Adoration, and the Pocket Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You can keep in touch with Fr. Josh through his weekly Ascension podcast, Ask Fr. Josh.

About Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo grew up in a devout Hispanic Catholic family in South Florida. She holds bachelor’s degrees in theology and psychology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute. Mari has worked in youth ministry for over fifteen years, both as a youth minister and as a Catholic high school theology teacher. Mari is well known for her dynamic presentations at the annual Steubenville Youth Conferences and other national outlets. Mari is a presenter in several Ascension programs including YOU and The 99 as well as a frequent guest on the popular YouTube channel Ascension Presents.

About Ascension

Ascension is the leader in Catholic faith formation and digital content. Over the past 20 years, Ascension has helped nurture the faith of more than 10 million people in 8,000 parishes through their books, Bibles, faith formation programs, chart-topping podcasts, social media, and the Ascension Presents YouTube channel. The company has 60 employees and is based in Exton, Pennsylvania.

Media Contact

For interviews with Mari Pablo, Fr. Josh Johnson, and other media inquiries, please contact Lauren Joyce at (484) 876-1400 or Newsroom@AscensionPress.com