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Nichelle Soriano Torno

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Nichelle Soriano Torno is passionate about sharing her Catholic faith with young people and their families. She first grew in her relationship with God after encountering Christ in Adoration on a high school retreat. Through this experience, she discovered her identity and worth as a beloved daughter of God and became assured of his presence and guidance in her life. She began to serve the Church as a teen, and later as a young adult student leader through her college campus ministry.

After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Communicology and a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Nichelle’s passion for sharing the faith led her to professional youth and young adult ministry. Now a mother, she realizes how important it is to help raise children in the faith, which is what inspired her new book with Ascension: A Place for Me in God’s Family Tree. In this book, she teams up with her cousin, Jordan Vicente Yango, who brings her words to life with his whimsical illustrations.

Nichelle, her husband and her son live and play on the beautiful island of Oahu in Hawaii.

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