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Jordan Vincente Yango

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Jordan is an up and coming illustrator currently serving the Lord in lay ministry with youth in Seattle. While growing up in a Filipino-American family, Jordan was exposed to the beauties of Catholicism throughout his life, but he didn’t truly practice or understand his faith until he began exploring it in college. Through the University of Washington’s Newman Center and under the guidance of his peers and local Dominican Friars, Jordan experienced a radical conversion. During his senior year, he served as a peer minister at the Newman Center. Upon graduation, Jordan began his career in lay ministry in the Archdiocese of Seattle, where he currently serves as Youth Minister at St. Charles Borromeo Parish.

Bonded over their shared faith, Jordan joined forces with his cousin Nichelle Soriano Torno to create the whimsical illustrations for the new book from Ascension Kids: A Place for Me in God’s Family Tree.

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